Forest Hill T-Ball Association

1700 Queens Blvd.

About Blastball

A fun and exciting T-Ball league for 4–5 year old boys and girls!

What is Blastball?

Blastball is an excellent introduction to T-Ball and baseball for young boys and girls, known for the base that makes a distinctive "HONK!" when kids jump on it. The game is fast-paced and full of action, perfect for the shorter attention span of youngsters.

Blastball is very safe because players use a foam bat and ball. It teaches fundamentals such as hitting, throwing, and fielding while emphasizing the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship.

How is the game played?

  • Two teams of around five players each alternate between batting and playing the field, just like T-Ball and baseball.
  • Kids do not have formal field positions, so they'll get a chance to catch and throw the ball often with guidance from their coach.
  • Everyone gets a turn at bat.
  • After hitting the ball from a batting tee, players run to the blastbase and jump on it to make the distinctive “HONK!”
  • When the ball is stopped by a fielder, he or she holds the ball up high and shouts “BLAST!”
  • If the fielder yells “BLAST!” before the batter “HONKS!” the base, the batter is out. If not, the batter scores a run!

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